Internet Tools
7. Dezember 2023 / 7. Dezember 2023 von Daniel Annen | Kommentar schreiben
Rob Braxman Tech (06.12.2023) Web encryption is now completely broken. Recent changes announced in the EU will now ensure that a man-in-the-middle will be common place and we will be made to think that encryption still exists. I will explain this serious issue that really makes our expectation of security and privacy on the internet […]
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History Internet
11. November 2023 / 11. November 2023 von Daniel Annen | Kommentar schreiben
NDC Conferences (13.11.2018) The story of the web is a story about freedom. It’s a story about information, about breaking down barriers, about creating new ways for people to communicate, to collaborate, and to share their ideas. It’s also a story that has as much do with marketing, money and meetings as it does with […]
9. Oktober 2023 / 24. Oktober 2023 von Daniel Annen | Kommentar schreiben
Einfach Erklärt (28.09.2023) Google hat seit langem kein wirklich erfolgreiches Produkt mehr herausgebracht, zumindest für Endverbraucher, aber trotzdem geht es dem Unternehmen gut. Woran das liegt? An der Cloud. Google hat sich ein Beispiel an Microsoft genommen und verlegt sich immer mehr auf Lösungen für Unternehmen, statt auf Tech für Verbraucher.
27. Februar 2022 von Daniel Annen | Kommentar schreiben
DistroTube (13.04.2019) Gopher is an alternative protocol to the standard http (world wide web) protocol. The modern web is slow, bloated and just sucks due to the Internet being dominated by the likes of Google, Facebook, Microsoft and others. Websites are now built with CSS, JavaScript, PHP, databases, images, multimedia and, of course, advertisements! It’s […]
26. Februar 2022 / 21. März 2024 von Daniel Annen | Kommentar schreiben
DistroTube (05.06.2021) Nyxt is a keyboard-oriented, infinitely extensible web browser designed for power users. Conceptually inspired by Emacs and Vim, it is fully configurable in Lisp. Nyxt allows you to customize all functionality. Every single class, method, and function is overwritable and reconfigurable. You’ll find that you are able to engineer Nyxt’s behavior to suit […]
2. Oktober 2021 / 5. Oktober 2021 von Daniel Annen | Kommentar schreiben
By Create a Pro Website (28.06.2019) The internet is a rabbit hole FULL of incredible content to explore. In this video I found 10 cool (and some very helpful) websites that may just BLOW YOUR MIND! Chem them out! Website #1: How Secure Is My Password Website #2: This Is Why I’m Broke […]
24. Juli 2016 / 19. Januar 2017 von Daniel Annen
In diesem Video ein Einblick in das berüchtigte Darknet:
22. Oktober 2012 / 13. November 2023 von Daniel Annen
Ein Beitrag des ZDF von 1996: damals wurde das Internet erstmals im deutschen Fernsehen “ausführlich” erklärt. Viel Spass!