DistroTube (02.06.2023)
Configuring Emacs will be a video series where I begin with a vanilla installation of GNU Emacs and configure it into what I want. In this initial video, I will setup the elpaca package manager, evil mode (Vim-like keybindings), general.el (for setting keybindings) and which-key. I will also do some minor modifications to Org mode.
Fixing Some Major Bugs And Minor Annoyances – Configuring Emacs 02 (11.06.2023)
Configuring Emacs is a video series where I begin with a vanilla installation of GNU Emacs and configure it into what I want. In this second video, I will continue tweaking our config, focusing mainly on adding important keybindings and fixing annoying errors or unexpected behavior.
Ivy, Shells and Custom Theming – Configuring Emacs 03 (22.06.2023)
Configuring Emacs is a video series where I began with a vanilla installation of GNU Emacs and have slowly configured it into what I want. In this third video, I will continue tweaking our config, focusing mainly on the Ivy/Counsel completion framework, the Eshell, the Vterm terminal, and creating a custom Emacs theme.
App Launchers, Dashboard & Language Support – Configuring Emacs 04 (07.07.2023)
Configuring Emacs is a video series where I began with a vanilla installation of GNU Emacs and have slowly configured it into what I want. In this fourth installment, I will create a run launcher similar to dmenu or rofi but using an Emacs window instead. I will also setup dashboard, flycheck, company and language support for Haskell and Lua.
► https://gitlab.com/dwt1/configuring-emacs